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Bridgetown Primary in Stratford-Upon-Avon


Solar Panel Installers in Stratford-Upon-AvonSolar Panel Installers in Warwickshire

Bridgetown Primary Solar Installation

Our commercial team were set with a fantastic challenge of carrying out a huge solar installation for Bridgetown Primary School.

Primary schools typically have large roofs, which offer perfect conditions for a Solar PV System. Bridgetown Primary School decided to take full advantage of their roof space and installed a 54-panel system in February 2023.

We installed a 21.6kWp SunPower Maxeon system across their East/West roof. These panels offer a 40-year warranty which offers fantastic security for a primary school. We have coupled this system with a SolarEdge Optimized Inverter.

Check out Stratford Heralds article!

They generated over 18MWh in 2023 and consumed 83% of their generated electricity.

It also provides exciting learning opportunities for the pupils of Bridgetown Primary School, our director attended an assembly in July to discuss the system with the students, and with the monitoring system of SolarEdge, we were able to demonstrate the generation, consumption, and self-consumption of their system.

Image of a Commercial Solar Panel project completed by Stratford Energy Solutions.

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