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The Keeler’s Solar Installation in Evesham



The Keeler’s Solar Installation in Evesham

Back in 2023 we assisted the Keeler family with a Solar Installation in Evesham at their semi-detached home. The Keeler’s had a 2-Occupancy home, with limited roof space for Solar Panels. However, that wasn’t a problem for our expert designers, who planned the perfect system to help the family start making a saving. Further, as the home just two occupants, the family didn’t need a large system, as they had a small energy consumption.

What Solar System did the Keeler’s invest in?

After signing off on our bespoke plan for the family, our friendly installers headed over to the property and installed:

For this Solar Installation in Evesham it took 4-months from the day 1 enquiry to the installation. Depending on our client, and their property this process can take a few weeks. On the other end of the spectrum though, we also have some projects that span over a year. This is simply down to client preference, some clients like a few quotes, or a few months to consider our proposal, but as long as our clients are happy – so are we.

This project was about average, while we definitely can move quicker, we like to take the time to:

  • Plan out a perfect system based on our clients consumption and roof space
  • Ensure our customer understands the proposal and feels comfortable with the installation

This leads to the best results. For the Keeler family, this mean that we could greatly help them with their goal to reduce their energy bill. For this client just a few months after installation the client reduced their energy bill by 55%.

 How does a Solar Installation utilise ‘Off Peak Tariffs’?

You energy bill, and the grid operate on a supply and demand basis. This means if you use energy during peak times i.e. In the morning, or in the evening, you are charged more per unit of energy. In comparison if you use energy during off-peak periods, you are charged less. These off-peak periods are often during the night i.e 1:00am.

With the right system, like the Solar System installed in Evesham for the Keeler’s your system can buy and store energy for you, during off-peak periods.

For example if your storage battery is only 40% full after one day, during the night time the battery can charge up using off-peak energy at a cheaper rate. You can then use this energy during peak periods, while essentially paying off-peak rates.

Learn more about this by contacting our team today.

Our Expert In-House Installers who worked on this project were: Will, Darren, Linton, and Jordon

Image of a Solar Panels on a residential property, the project was completed by the Stratford Energy team.

Are you ready for Solar?