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The Zdobnowski’s Solar in Oxford



The Zdobnowski’s Solar in Oxford

The story of the Zdobnowski’s Solar in Oxford, started back in 2022 when the family initially got in touch with our Solar Experts. The family got in touch after becoming increasingly concerned about rising energy bills. Further, this family had a particular interest in high quality Solar Systems and products so they could invest in something that would last.

For this installation the clients had. a full Solar System with a Tesla Powerwall 2 and SolarEdge Optimised Inverted.

What Panels did we use for the Zdobnowski’s Solar Installation in Oxford?

For this Solar Installation in Oxford our expert team installed:

9 x SunPower Performance Solar Panels

1 x Tesla Powerwall 2

Coupled with a SolarEdge Optimised Inverter

This has been a great success for the family. The Solar System is more than sufficient for the needs of this Solar Installation in Oxford. The client now saved over 50% off their energy bills for their large semi-detached property. Moreover, with the help of the Tesla Powerwall 2 the family continue to make big energy savings through the winter. On the odd occasion the Solar Panels don’t generate enough energy to help make the family a big saving, the Powerwall taps into the grid to buy energy during off-peak periods. This is then stored until it’s needed during peak times to save the family money.

Our expert team for this Oxford Solar Installation included: Tim, Charlie, Luke, Will, Darren. You can familiarise yourself with our installers over on our new team page. This means if you go ahead with an installation, you’ll have an idea of which of our team will visit you at your property.

Another key feature of this project is the SolarEdge Optimised Inverter. This optimises the Solar Panels at the Oxford property and improves the family’s overall efficiency. With this addition to the Installation; the Solar Panels can independently react to their environment.

This means that if one Solar Panel on the property is partially in the shade, it can turn itself off, and the rest of the system can generate electricity for the property. And that’s why we pride ourselves as Solar Experts, we always do our best to create the best systems for our clients.

Image of a Solar Panels on a residential property, the project was completed by the Stratford Energy team.

Are you ready for Solar?